Produsentansvar for utstyr til fiskeri, akvakultur & fritidsfiske

Produsentansvar for utstyr til fiskeri, akvakultur & fritidsfiske

Take greater responsibility

Producers must join an approved producer responsibility company, which will ensure that waste is collected and treated in an environmentally sound manner. The company must also report the quantities of equipment collected and treated, and contribute to increased material recycling and reuse.


The European Parliament and the Council adopt Directive (EU) 2019/904 to reduce the environmental impact of certain plastic products. This includes fishing, recreational fishing and aquaculture equipment containing plastic.

Norway is obliged to introduce producer responsibility for fishing gear containing plastic, with the aim of reducing environmental impact and promoting a circular economy.

The Norwegian Environment Agency publishes the consultation note and proposals for regulatory regulation for producer responsibility.

The Norwegian Environment Agency invites you to a consultation meeting where the proposed regulations will be reviewed and explained. Affected actors and other interested parties can submit questions in advance. The deadline for submitting questions is 15 November.

Deadline for submitting consultation statements to the Norwegian Environment Agency. All input must be submitted via the Norwegian Environment Agency's website.

– Processing of consultation input: The Norwegian Environment Agency evaluates the consultation inputs and considers necessary changes to the regulations.

– The regulations are forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment: Once the Norwegian Environment Agency has finalized the regulations, they will be submitted to the Ministry of Climate and Environment for final approval.

– Entry into force of the regulation: The producer responsibility scheme will enter into force as soon as the regulations are adopted.

– Requirements for membership in a producer responsibility company: Producers of fishing equipment containing plastic must establish or join an approved producer responsibility company, which will ensure that the obligations of the manufacturer are met.

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